Sheesh, has it really been over a month since I posted anything? Well, time to remedy that, here's a truckload of new doodles from my sketchbook. Hurray!

Bonus points to anyone that gets the rather obscure reference on the left.

We just planted a Lincoln tree in the backyard to scare away robbers. You may laugh, but I haven't seen one yet. Or our neighbors either for that matter.

Eighties glasses guy sure is in a good mood.

A bizarre attempt to draw something cute. I felt so sick afterwords I had to make the rest of the page extra disturbing.

In case anyone missed it, the first issue of
Heeby Jeeby Comix is on sale
here, go buy one!!! Once again, thanks to everyone that looks at my stupid crap!
Rowsdower, rowsdower, sobbity sobbity sowsdower, blibbity bobbity bowsdower.
Somebody has been watching the Final Sacrifice.
By the way, I envy your talent sir.
Wow, that's a lot to digest...luckily I'm always hungry for your doodles. This is like being at an all-you-can-eat doodle buffet.
I love everything I see David, as usual. I think my favorite is the wizard guy shrinking that dude's head.
You've overwhelmed my senses. I need to go have a nap now.
I'm impressed duffy! I take it you're a Mistie as well, awesome! Thanks for the compliment man.
Hey Jason, thanks a bunch as usual. Hopefully you aren't suffering from a doodle overdose, those can be nasty :)
Great doodles! Your site rocks!
I am also an artist, still in the future, engaged in painting 10 years)
I think your work is very cool, I love it!
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