I got a whole slew of new stuff for you fine folks, think of it as an early Christmas present (man that's lame!) As you can see on this page I started to break away from the ball point pen and started practicing with some drawing pens to get better with inking my final pieces. I still can't seem to help drawing sweaty people though.

Here's a not so successful attempt to add tones with the ballpoint to an inked drawing, at least I tried! Santa is sure fun to draw though.

Another take on Santa and some more practicing, I think I'm getting better at it, I dunno.

I meet Angus Oblong, creator of the cartoon show "The Oblongs" at Wizard World Texas a few weeks back. He was a really awesome guy and I had him draw one of his characters in my sketch book, I liked that he's "reacting" to my artwork!

My attempt at drawing a Peter
Bagge character as well as a t-shirt design on the right page. If I had that shirt made would any of you guys wear it? Be honest!!

More sweat, more stubble, more ghosts, more barf.

More of the same, the guy saying "
bleh" is reflecting my state of mind at the time I drew this page, the holidays get me down sometimes.

I was thinking about a new comic book series about baby versions of famous comic characters and "Baby Magneto" at the top of the page was born. Like many ideas I have I drew the one character and lost interest. Oh well. In case I don't post again until after the holidays I'll just go ahead and say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!