Well folks, I decided since it's been so long since my lost post I would share why it's taken me so long to unpack. My wife and I recently purchased our first house and so that has taken up all my drawing time. However, I finally have my art room/studio set up so I can start drawing again, and I thought it might be fun (and incredibly self indulgent) to share photos of where I create my stupid doodles and drawings. The first picture above is my framed poster from my favorite movie of all time, Ed Wood. I decided it would make sense to surround it with Batman, Corpse Bride, and Army of Darkness toys. My wife later told me this does not make sense, and she would be right.

Here is an assortment of various horror and cult movie figures, sense a trend yet?

Yes, I am nerdy enough to display all my old Game Boy systems (the best console of all time) with my Super Mario Bros. toy collection (the best video game of all time).

More cult movie stuff. It just doesn't end folks.

Some vintage flea market finds. The Chilly Willy soaky in the background is damn creepy staring out from the darkness.

More from the Mario shelf. On the top are some Dunny's and various other vinyl figures, and in the middle are all my Donatello figures, my favorite Ninja Turtle from childhood.

These have been my most prized possesions since the early 90's, original Ren and Stimpy drawings by Bob Camp who I got to meet when I first started trying to be a cartoonist. He has been a huge influence and inspiration for me ever since.

My framed Joel Hodgson autograph, an original Dave Cooper drawing and some doodles by John K. I have some more original art I want to put up but can't decide where to put it just yet, as you can see wall space is dwindling.

What art room would be complete without a buttload of books? And a My Pet Monster?

My collection of Peanuts toys, another huge influence from childhood.

Lastly, here is my collection of Muppet toys and figures. Words fail me when I try to describe my love for Jim Henson and his brain, so I will let these photos do the talking. More artwork to be posted soon, thanks for indulging me in this useless post!!