Hope every had a great Christmas and New Year's! The wife and I rang in 2008 by going to see the awesome Sweeney Todd (Tim Burton's best movie since Ed Wood), and then went to sleep watching the ball drop. Yeah, we live it up. Anyway, I got some more pages scanned in, my job lately has been beyond crazy but I got to get a little drawing in at last.

Man, sometimes my artwork is too bizarre even for me. I frankly have no idea what to say about these pages. I've been so mentally fried lately that I think I'll just let the drawings speak for themselves this time.

I had fun with the page on the left, I just tried to draw as many weird facial expressions as I could come up with. I'll probably do some more of these sometime. The heads on the right page are designs for some T-shirts and buttons I'd like to have done someday.

I was watching a really weird Betty Boop cartoon that had these hillbilly characters with these strange saggy cheeks, so naturally I had to see if I could draw one. He's the one on the left page saying "Hoo Doggies!"

More random characters from the deepest regions of my subconscience. Scary ain't it?