Wednesday, April 28, 2010


A drawing for an upcoming art show. This was one of those drawings that I look at when it's finished and really wonder if something might be wrong with me.


duffyallen said...

This is spectacular. That's some excellent character design and intense texture and color. Is it water color or digital? Or maybe just some kind of ridiculous magic!

David DeGrand said...

Thanks man! It's just plain ol' watercolor, but trust me, if I could use magic to create silly cartoon drawings then I would put Harry Potter to shame. Or I would like to think :)

Brad said...

HAHA! it is really great!!

Bob Flynn said...

I've been meaning to tell you this, but something IS wrong with you David. There, someone had to say it.

David DeGrand said...

Thanks guys!

Bob, thanks for getting out in the open but at this point I don't think it's much of a surprise ;)

Jason Curtis said...

This is one of those drawings that I look at and really wonder if something might be wrong with me for liking it so much.

This is truly spectacular David. You've outdone yourself. Now run along and go get your head looked at.

David DeGrand said...

Ha thanks Jason! Let's just all agree that all cartoonists need their heads looked at and leave it at that :)

Jason James Curtis said...

I did have my head looked at once, but the doctor said that he couldn't find anything.

That might explain the breeze I feel between my ears.

prashant raghava said...

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get in here said...

Brilliant. You warped, warped, mind..

Anonymous said...

Howdy David-great to check in on you and see all the fantastic new stuff here on your blog. Glad to see things are going well for you!

Especially loving seeing all these wild untamed designs and doodles on your sketchbook pages.

David DeGrand said...

Thanks for the comment get in here. I did what your name implies and checked out your blog, great stuff I must say!

Really cool to hear from you Clarke, thanks man! We'll have to catch up on Facebook for sure, been loving your blog as of late.

Gina said...

whoah : )