Wednesday, February 07, 2007


The page on the left is me trying to draw Popeye (again!) as well as some awesome Joost Swarte characters. I'm still working with the colored pencils, I really have to be in the mood for them otherwise they're quite a chore.
I think I drew these pages after watching some Fleischer cartoons, which I've discovered to be a healthy alternative to illegal narcotics.
Not really sure what this idiot is saying "Whoa" about, but apparently the other characters don't give a crap.

I really want to thank everyone that's left me positive feedback on these stupid sketchbook pages. Nice to know there's a few cool people out there that don't mind a little random weirdness every now and then.


JustMe said...

"don't mind a little random weirdness every now and then???" ...I live for random weirdness! As usual, I love perusing your sketches. Cool that you're into Joost Swarte...isn't he great? Also, I dig it whenever you make a character sweat/melt! It's disgusting but hilarious! Lovin' that Caesar head on the podium, too.

David DeGrand said...

Hey Justin! You know, I really don't know where the whole sweaty/melting thing came from but it seems to pop up frequently in my work, I'm glad somebody other than me finds it amusing!

JustMe said...

You are too kind, my friend, too kind. I wanna see more sketches!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sketches. Thanks for sharing them here. Well, I use to collect the images, arts and toys of Godzilla and tis action figures because Godzilla is a heroic monster which I like most. The maximum number of the godzilla toys of my collection are from There I found a huge varieties of Godzilla toys.