Monday, March 10, 2008

fresh doodles, hoo boy!!

Finally got around to getting more pages scanned in, been finding it harder and harder to get doodling done these days. Still working on getting better tones with the ballpoint pen, I find it really relaxing for some reason.
Got ahold of some fancy colored drawing pens but like the ballpoint better. Oh well, at least they added some color to the page. The little worm dude coming out of the guys head on the bottom right of the page found his way into a watercolor I'm working on, look for it soon at Hope to get more pages done soon, I have a ton of projects in the works right now. More on those later, bye for now!


Krystal said...

Your sketchbook is made of madness. Love it!

this just in said...

Hey, I've been so delinquent lately! Sorry. Just haven't found the time to blog much because I started a new job and I'm focusing 100% on it. But...I will be back!!!

In the meantime, I still have a few moments to look and I'm still enjoying your beautifully whacked out sketchbook pages!

Dig the worm!!! :D

David DeGrand said...

Hey Justin! Cool to hear from you after quite a while, we'll have to IM to catch up, I'm really interested to hear about your new job and stuff. Thanks for the comments as usual, looking forward to seeing more stuff from you!

Jon Sperry said...

Awesome work!

Dan Bob said...

you are the best artist ever.

David DeGrand said...

Hey guys, thanks a ton for the compliments. It's always humbling to get such nice praise from some awesome fellow artists, you guys ROCK!

Chris Garbutt said...

Very funny doodles!!!

Unknown said...


this just in said...

Hey David, thanks so much for the comment on my new site. I really hold your art opinion in high esteem, so I'm thrilled you dig it and think it represents me well. If there's anything on it that you think is weak or doesn't fit, let me know. I bet you have a good editing eye. Lookin' forward to seeing more of your stuff and hopefully I'll stick to a frequent blogging schedule!!!

R.A. MacNeil said...

I love the old man carrying the severed head in brown ink on the fourth page.

And all the rest of them. So much craziness.


Brendan said...

This stuff is fantastic as always.
If you're interested, my senior show at TCU is on April 18th at 7 or so. Let me know if you need directions.

David DeGrand said...

Thanks a lot everybody for all the nice words, you are TOO kind!