Wednesday, January 30, 2008

And the weiner is....

This guy! This is my entry into the New Yorker's Eustace Tilley contest, which was chosen as one of the winners. The image will be published on to help celebrate their 80-something year anniversary. Just thought I'd brag a little bit since cartoonists rarely get that luxury!


JustMe said...

Fantastic!!! You did a really great job with this contest. Congrats! You really gave that butterfly some "weight"!

David DeGrand said...

Thanks Justin! I really still can't believe they chose it, I just wanted to have some fun. Look for me as the next New Yorker cover artist and I'll be too rich and famous to mess with blogging anymore.

R.A. MacNeil said...

Bragging rights are all yours. Congrats!


David DeGrand said...

Thanks Ryan! I'm incredibly egotistical so I'm trying to milk this until I'm the last one that cares. What else are contests good for?